

Position as a research fellow in data visualization and digital heritage

DIGSUM partner The School of Media, Arts and Humanities at the University of Sussex is looking for a fellow researcher in data visualization and digital heritage.

The fellow will be working in a new research lab focused on enhancing digital literacies and capacities in organisations dealing with the Holocaust and victims of National Socialism, across the world. Alongside the production of novel, interdisciplinary research, the Lab’s team will produce original digital outputs and will collaborate to provide an extensive impact and knowledge exchange programme working with project partners in the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, and Serbia, to host events that bring together heritage professionals, academics, and those working in the creative and tech industries in different regions.

The School is looking to appoint a Research Fellow in Computer Science with an active or developing profile in research and practice that explores the use of computational technologies for the presentation and exploration of data related to digital heritage and a competence in developing databases and archives.

See more info and apply [here].

Symposium April 12, 2024: Rethinking educational spaces. Future Classroom, metaverse and AI

DIGSUM researchers launch essential guide to digital media studies