PhD Course: Digital Research (7.5 ECTS)

Digital Research (PhD Course)

Credits: 7.5
Grades: Fail, Pass

The course was instated 2016-12-19 by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Umeå University. Official syllabus document (Swedish) [pdf].


The course gives an orientation in digital research within the humanities and social sciences. This orientation is broad, and deals with digital research methods and tools, as well as with issues relating to the digitalisation of society and culture as objects of study. The first part of the course introduces a set of methods and brings attention to issues of digital research ethics, while the second part consists of a number of topical applications. The course is a collaboration between Humlab and DIGSUM.


After taking the course, the PhD student shall have:

  • knowledge about, and an understanding of, central concepts within digital research.

  • knowledge about, and an understanding of, methods and tools that are used in digital research.

  • the abilility to critically discuss different ways of working with, and orientating oneself within, digital research.

  • the ability to assess and apply relevant perspectives, methods and tools in relation to their own ongoing research.


In order to take the course, the applicant must be admitted to and undergoing PhD education.


The course consists of lectures, workshops, seminars and practical work with methods and tools.


The examination consists of written reflections and a final assignment where the student goes deeper into one of the topics introduced during the course.


After completing the course, the student will receive a certificate stated that they have taken the course. Any inclusion of the 7.5 credits in the student's PhD education must be by agreement with home departments and institutions of the participants.