

Journal of Digital Social Research, Volume 3(3)

DIGSUM is happy to present the latest issue of The Journal of Digital Social Research, our open access journal. JDSR publishes high-quality articles within all areas of digital social research, including sociology, informatics, pedagogy, education science, gender studies, law, economy, social work and geography. We welcome and encourage cross-disciplinary submissions. Read the full issue [here]. Submit your own work [here].

  • “I don’t know if I can share this.”: Agency and sociomateriality in digital text sharing of business communication

    • Mona Blåsjö, Carla Jonsson & Sofia Johansson

  • "Within the hour" and "wherever you are": Exploring the promises of digital healthcare apps

    • Anna Sofia Lundgren, Jens Lindberg & Eric Carlsson

  • What is digital activism anyway? Social constructions of the “digital” in contemporary activism

    • Suay Melisa Özkula

  • Comparing the victimization impact of cybercrime and traditional crime: Literature review and future research directions

    • Jildau Borwell, Jurjen Jansen, Wouter Stol

  • Crowd science infused learning: Connecting online teaching and crowd science in the social sciences

    • Isabell Stamm, Michael Weinhardt, Marie Gutzeit, Matthias Bettel & Johannes Lindenau

  • Review Essay: Unravelling Democracy’s Anti-Democratic Machine

    • Nick Couldry

Combatting the Far Right: In the Streets, Online and around the World

Approaching the human in the loop: Legal perspectives on hybrid/algorithmic decision-making in three contexts