

New DIGSUM professor studies digital technology, power and law

DIGSUM affiliate Markus Naarttijärvi is a new Professor of Law at Umeå University. Markus is working in the HYDE and Cyborg Politics projects, and is also a founding senior editor of DIGSUM’s Journal of Digital Social Research. He is also the recently appointed focus area coordinator of CELS-AI, within Umeå University’s TAIGA initiative to promote transdisciplinary research on artificial intelligence. Speaking in a longer feature published on, Markus speaks of the important role played by cross-cutting research centres, such as DIGSUM and TAIGA, for developing critical research on digital technology and society.

For a recent paper by Markus and colleagues, have a look at “Approaching the human in the loop – legal perspectives on hybrid human/algorithmic decision-making in three contexts”, published this year in Information & Communications Technology Law.

Open PhD position with DIGSUM

Roundtable on The Critical Need for Critical AI Research