

Power, Influence(rs) and Politics: New Forms of Visual Cultures

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DIGSUM is hosting one of the keynotes and tracks during the upcoming conference to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Humlab. Focusing on the topic of Power, Influence(rs) and Politics: New Forms of Visual Cultures, we are excited to welcome keynote speaker Crystal Abidin who will speak on ‘TikTok, Internet Celebrity, and Small Business Cultures’.

Moa Eriksson Krutrök will chair a related session, featuring guests Johanna Arnesson, Sophie Bishop, Mari Lehto, and Katrin Tiidenberg. The session thus gathers researchers with extensive research experience into the platform logics, algorithmic processes, political implications and power positions of influencers. The invited speakers will talk about their research from a wide variety of perspectives. The Q&A will allow for an open discussion on current and future challenges in researching influencer cultures.

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PhD positions in Digital Sociology