

Researching the Digital: Methods, Mess, Myths and Madness

Symposium Wednesday-Thursday 11-12 of September At Umeå University

The DIGSUM Centre for Digital Research at Umeå University, in collaboration with the Swedish Research Council (VR), invites everyone interested to a 2-day symposium on 11-12 September 2024 to discuss, apply and critique methods for analyzing societal entanglements and consequences of digital technology.

The symposium titled Researching the Digital: Methods, Mess, Myths and Madness promises to be an equally fun and important event, bringing together scholars from various disciplines to delve into the complexities of analyzing digital technology's impact on society.

The 2-day event is designed as a collaborative space for sharing, learning, and challenging the conventional wisdom around digital research methodologies.

More information and details about how to register [here].

Playful Trauma: TikTok Creators and the Use of the Platformed Body in Times of War

Post-doc position in Sociology in the project "#NeverForget vs. #NeverHappened"