

New publication about "Tracing Class and Capitalism in Critical AI Research"

DIGSUM director Simon Lindgren in collaboration with Petter Ericson, Umeå University, and Roel Dobbe, Technische Universiteit Delft, are announcing the publication of their latest research article, "Tracing Class and Capitalism in Critical AI Research". In this study, they thoroughly assessed academic publications in the rapidly developing field of Critical AI Studies, focusing on the prominence of issues of class and capitalism. They found that discussions of class and capitalism are (still) mainly located within a delimited and particular subfield of Critical AI Studies, unlike the broader (more) successful integration of race and gender topics across the field. This highlights the need for a deeper integration (also) of political economy-oriented critiques into AI research to fully understand AI's socio-economic, ecological, and political impacts.

The article is available with open access in the tripleC journal [here].

Post-doc position in Sociology in the project "PastForward"

Searching for the selfie spot: On geomedia and logistical lives