

Searching for the selfie spot: On geomedia and logistical lives

Wednesday 29th of May 13:15-15:00 At Humlab

On the 29th of May, DIGSUM and the Department of Culture and Media Studies are hosting a seminar where André Jansson, Karlstad University, will talk about “Searching for the selfie spot: On geomedia and logistical lives”.


This presentation introduces some central ideas and findings from the book Rethinking Communication Geographies: Geomedia, Digital Logistics and the Human Condition (2022). The presentation provides an overview of geomedia as an emerging “environmental regime” that shapes our everyday lives with/in media. Special attention is given to how logistical practices and logics – that is, the continuous management of different types flows and mobilities – have become a central feature of the human condition. Concrete examples are taken from the realms of work, tourism and everyday life at large. Ultimately, the presentation reflects on the prospects for a “logistical turn” in media and communication studies.

André Jansson is director of the Centre for Geomedia Studies. His research is oriented towards questions of media use, identity and power from an interdisciplinary perspective. His work links various theoretical strands from social phenomenology, human geography and sociology of culture. A particular interest regards the relationship between mediatization processes and the production of social space. Jansson has studied this relationship in relation to a number of contemporary phenomena, such as the post-industrial city, tourism, expatriate lifestyles, surveillance culture and the urban-rural divide.

For more information about the event, see [here].

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