

Roundtable on AI in Politics

On Thursday October 13th DIGSUM director, Professor Simon Lindgren, will chair a roundtable on AI in politics at the WASP-HS Community Reference Meeting.

The roundtable will address issues that relate to the use of AI-driven automation in political contexts online. Both in terms of strategic and large-scale campaigns by parties and governments, and from a more grassroots-oriented perspective, focusing for example on hacktivist uses of social bots. Both top-down and bottom-up interventions raise ethical issues. Given the new technological opportunities, do we need new standards or legal frameworks to increase transparency and protect privacy, or is self-regulation enough? Where should we draw the line between information and manipulation, or between participation and hacktivism?

WASP-HS Community Reference Meetings are dedicated for public and private organizations in Sweden for the purpose to learn about challenges and questions of their interest, and for WASP-HS to share recent research development within the program in order to identify opportunities for collaboration in different sectors. For more information about the event click [here]

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