

Through a white lens: Black victimhood, visibility, and whiteness in the Black Lives Matter movement on TikTok

Moa Eriksson Krutrök and Mathilda Åkerlund have recently published new work on digital representations of black victimhood in relation to the Black Lives Matter movement on TikTok. Read the full article [here]


In this paper, we explore how highly visible users in the context of #BlackLivesMatter on TikTok shape the narrative around Black victims of police brutality, the understanding of these narratives by others, and the potential consequences of these portrayals for the movement at large. To examine these dimensions, we analysed the 100 most circulated TikTok videos and associated comments depicting victims of police brutality using the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag through multimodal critical discourse analysis. We identified how users attempted to increase visibility of their content, and how this was supported or criticised by commenters depending on the perceived motives of these efforts. Furthermore, we showcased how influencers raised awareness of the movement with little personal effort or risk, sometimes appearing to leverage the movement for self- exposure. Our analysis showed that many of the most liked videos were made by white content creators who, in their videos, seemed to be addressing an imagined white audience. While these efforts portrayed the movement favourably, the content creators remain outsiders who have not themselves been in harm’s way of police brutality. While there were exceptions that promoted the perspectives of marginalised communities, and while the white narratives were consistently supportive of the movement, they also work to displace focus on racial (in)justice away from those directly affected by it, that is, away from Black people’s own experiences of police brutality. We discuss these findings in relation to questions about digital representations of Black victimhood, digital visibility and practices of whiteness, on TikTok and beyond.

Moa Eriksson Krutrök is an Associate Professor of Media and Communication Studies at Umeå University, researching discourses on societal crises and the expressions of trauma, grief, and resilience on social media.

Mathilda Åkerlund is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Sociology at Umeå University, researching far-right discourse online.

Read more about DIGSUM’s research group on Digital Sociology [here].

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