On the 25th of May, Olle Häggström, professor of Mathematical Statistics at Chalmers University of Technology, will visit Umeå University, to give a lecture on large language models, such as ChatGPT, AI risk, and AI alignment.
On the 25th of May, Olle Häggström, professor of Mathematical Statistics at Chalmers University of Technology, will visit Umeå University, to give a lecture on large language models, such as ChatGPT, AI risk, and AI alignment.
DIGSUM’s research group in Digital Sociology has recently appointed two new PhD students, Agnes Liminga and Moa Broqvist.
Applications are open for a PhD position within the areas of misinformation and conspiracy ideologies, the commercialisation of the public information infrastructure, the entry of AI technologies into more and more areas, and the increasing distrust of traditionally trusted institutions.
Last year Linköping University’s Institute for Analytical Sociology together with a consortium of partner centres and departments — including DIGSUM — secured funding for an interdisciplinary graduate school in computational social science. The Swedish Interdisciplinary Research School in Computational Social Science is now open and accepting applications for the first cohort of students.
The TAIGA focus area on critical, ethical, legal, and social perspectives on AI (CELS-AI) and Humlab invites any researchers with an interest in the societal implications of AI to a networking event.
On Thursday 16 February, Jenny Sundén, professor of Gender Studies at Södertörns Högskola and Susanna Paasonen, professor of Media studies at Turku University will present their book "Who’s laughing now? Feminist tactics in social media" at Humlab
Ned Richardson-Little, Samuel Merrill, and Leah Arlaud has recently published an article about how the German radical-right populist party the Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland) and its politicians have engaged with the public memory of the East German past via Twitter.
DIGSUM will be part of an international and interdisciplinary graduate school in computational social science.
A new DIGSUM research project, on Digital Disinformation, has been approved funding.
Both our centre and our journal, JDSR, now have new homes on Mastodon.
DIGSUM invites you to a workshop with a focus on ethical review of digital research. An invited panel will discuss experiences and dilemmas, as well as good research practices relating to legal and ethical perspectives.
On Friday 2 December, Reuben Binns, Associate Professor of Human Centred Computing, Department of Computing Science, the University of Oxford, will give a talk at Centre for Transdisciplinary AI with the title AI and the Human in the Loophole
The Journal of Digital Social Research (JDSR) is currently looking for papers for a special issue on Methodological Developments in Visual Politics and Protest
Lisa Lindqvist has recently published an article with Simon Lindgren examining Twitter discourses on #Metoo, and the network of related industry-specific hashtags that emerged following #Metoo.
DIGSUM researcher Sam Merrill has recently published an article with Nigel Copsey about digital connectivity between USA and UK Antifa groups on Twitter, and the character of the mediated solidarity conveyed by this connectivity.
DIGSUM's Digital Sociology group is looking for a new PhD candidate. The position is fully funded and salaried for four years. Come work with us! More info here.
DIGSUM affiliate Markus Naarttijärvi is a new Professor of Law at Umeå University. Markus is working in the HYDE and Cyborg Politics projects, and is also a founding senior editor of DIGSUM’s Journal of Digital Social Research.
Last week, DIGSUM members participated in a roundtable on The Critical Need for Critical AI Research