Professor Niels Brügger, head of the Centre for Internet Studies and of NetLab at Aarhus University will give a lecture on What’s in a web archive? Three cases of web history, a close, middle and distant reading. The lecture will be given at Humlab, Umeå University, and on Zoom, Thursday March 10 15.00-17.00

Media theorist, and long-time DIGSUM collaborator, Pieter Verdegem of the University of Westminster, UK, will give a talk in Umeå University’s #frAIday series this Friday. The talk is based on the new edited book AI for Everyone? which is downloadable (open access).

This week’s DIGZOOM guest is Mark Carrigan who will reflect on the first six months of the Post-Pandemic University: an online magazine, podcast hub and event series supporting dialogue about how the university will be changed by the pandemic crisis.